Gene (OMIM No.) |
Function of gene/protein |
Clinical phenotype (OMIM phenotype no.) |
Inheritance |
Ocular features |
Systemic features |
Key investigations |
Molecular diagnosis | Next generation sequencing
Management | Ocular |
Therapies under research |
Further information |
- Burdon KP, Wirth MG, Mackey DA, et al. A novel mutation in the Connexin 46 gene causes autosomal dominant congenital cataract with incomplete penetrance [published correction appears in J Med Genet. 2005 Mar;42(3):288] [published correction appears in J Med Genet. 2008 Apr;45(4):256]. J Med Genet. 2004;41(8):e106
- Chang B, Wang X, Hawes NL, et al. A Gja8 (Cx50) point mutation causes an alteration of alpha 3 connexin (Cx46) in semi-dominant cataracts of Lop10 mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2002;11(5):507‐513
- Li Y, Wang J, Dong B, Man H. A novel connexin46 (GJA3) mutation in autosomal dominant congenital nuclear pulverulent cataract. Mol Vis. 2004;10:668‐671
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- Minogue PJ, Liu X, Ebihara L, Beyer EC, Berthoud VM. An aberrant sequence in a connexin46 mutant underlies congenital cataracts. J Biol Chem. 2005;280(49):40788‐40795
- Rees MI, Watts P, Fenton I, et al. Further evidence of autosomal dominant congenital zonular pulverulent cataracts linked to 13q11 (CZP3) and a novel mutation in connexin 46 (GJA3). Hum Genet. 2000;106(2):206‐209
- White TW. Unique and redundant connexin contributions to lens development. Science. 2002;295(5553):319‐320
- Zhang L, Qu X, Su S, Guan L, Liu P. A novel mutation in GJA3 associated with congenital Coppock-like cataract in a large Chinese family. Mol Vis. 2012;18:2114‐2118
- Zhang X, Wang L, Wang J, Dong B, Li Y. Coralliform cataract caused by a novel connexin46 (GJA3) mutation in a Chinese family. Mol Vis. 2012;18:203‐210