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Employment support

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If your sight impairment is affecting you to do your job, your employer must make reasonable adjustments so that you are not disadvantaged in the workplace according to The Equality Act 2010.  

Reasonable adaptations may include: 

  • Installing additional lighting 
  • Modifying entrances 
  • Flexible working times to avoid travelling in the dark
  • Providing support and training for your colleagues such as visual awareness training

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Access to work

If the adaptations provided by your employer are not sufficient, the Access to Work scheme may be able to help. It is a UK government grant scheme which supports disabled people at work.  It is available to those over 16, with a disability or health condition (mental of physical) that impacts on a person’s ability to do or travel to their job and can be applied to any paid employment including part-time and temporary work.  You must apply to Access to Work yourself.  Your employer is not able to apply on your behalf.  

Once you have applied for this scheme, your individual workplace needs are assessed by an Access to Work advisor either over the phone or during a workplace assessment. A grant is provided to help cover the cost of the practical support you need at work. These include: 

  • Specialist equipment (screen readers, magnification software or devices) 
  • Support worker or job coach to help in your workplace 
  • Travelling expenses to and within work when no practical public transport alternative is available  
  • Cost of moving your equipment if you change location or job

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Further information and support

Many charities also offer employment services providing assistance with Access to Work applications and more general advice.

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